NITOC 2023 Extemp Information

Congratulations on a successful season and for qualifying for the Stoa 2023 National Invitational Tournament of Champions in Extemporaneous Speaking!

1. The Extemp Prep Room is located on the ground floor of the library. Extempers must enter the library from the bottom floor, closest to the Music building.

2. Check the Extemp Prep Room for draw times and draw order, which will be posted at least 15 minutes prior to the first draw. It is your responsibility to know your own draw time and to arrive on time.

3. You may bring your laptop into the prep room at your draw time. You need to pick up your laptop after each extemp round is finished. Do not leave your belongings in the Extemp prep room after the round. We will not be responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.

4. Label EVERYTHING with your name, club name, and phone number – laptops, files boxes, power cords, extension cords, etc.

5. Make sure that your laptop is fully charged before your prep time. You may not have access to an electrical outlet in the Extemp Prep Room.

6. You must check in with the proctor at the start of your prep time and check out when your prep time is over.

7. During prep time we will have a visible clock and we will call out time notifications regarding remaining prep time. It is your responsibility to arrive promptly at your competition room and speak at your designated speaker time.

8. If you are sharing a computer or other prep resources with another competitor, the coach or parent of the loaning competitor must email that information in advance to Theresa Ellington at

9. Remember, according to the Extemp Prep Room Protocol, “Competitors may not talk in the Extemp Prep Room”. This policy will be enforced at NITOC.

10. Be sure that you are familiar with the official Stoa Extemp Rules 2022-2023 and the Extemp Prep Room Protocol 2022-2023.