We are so excited to offer some fun "extra" events at NITOC starting on Thursday, May 25th.

Supplemental Events for Non-Advancing Competitors:

2:30 pm Thursday: Tips and Techniques for Applying to Colleges
Steven Jin, Associate Vice President of Enrollment Services at Concordia University, will be offering a class to help with negotiating the world of college applications and the admission process.
Location: Zhang Hall, CUI Music Building

3:00 pm Thursday: Collegiate Music Q & A
Dr. Jeff Held, Assistant Dean in the School of Arts and Sciences and Director of Orchestral Activities at Concordia University will host a session for student-musicians and their parents, whether considering Concordia or not. Will address how non-music majors get involved, some differences between music in high school and college, and more.
Location: Zhang Hall, CUI Music Building

4:00 pm Thursday: Voice Techniques for Speakers--Super Power Your Voice
Our Thursday evening concert singer Joel Weldon, is also a voice actor. He will be offering a very helpful class to teach everyone how to improve their voice techniques.
Location: CU Center

9:00am-12:00pm & 1:30pm-4:30pm Friday: Student Congress
On Friday, the Concordia Forensics Team will be organizing Student Congress competition for students who haven't advanced to outrounds. This is be a fun way for you to experience a new event.
Location: TBD